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We are now open on Saturdays at Frisco location from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. We are accepting new patients and all insurances.

Urgent care for ear infection: What You Need to Know

Health Guides
Dec 25
0 min read
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Urgent Care for Ear Infection


Ear infections are among the most common health issues people face across all ages, from toddlers to adults. Whether you have a sudden sharp pain, fluid draining from your ear, or even muffled hearing, an ear infection can make you feel miserable. If you are facing an ear infection and want relief, urgent care for ear infection can be an excellent option. This blog will walk you through everything you need to know about ear infections and why urgent care is often the best option for treatment.

What is an Ear Infection?

Otitis media is the medical term for an ear infection. An ear infection occurs when the middle ear becomes infected by bacteria or viruses. It can cause inflammation and fluid accumulation behind the eardrum and typically follows a cold, respiratory infection, or sinus infection. In addition to pain, ear infections may be accompanied by fever, drainage from the ear, and temporary hearing loss.

There are several different kinds of ear infections.

  • Otitis Media: Otitis Media refers to infection in the middle ear, usually by bacteria or viruses.
  • Otitis Externa: Also called swimmer's ear, this is an infection of the outer ear canal caused by bacteria.
  • Labyrinthitis(Inner ear infection): This infection of the inner ear, is less common but may also present with vertigo and an imbalance.

Signs of an Ear Infection

If you are showing signs of an ear infection, it’s important to take action quickly. Here are some common symptoms like Ear pain (sharp or dull), Fluid drainage from the ear, Fever, Difficulty hearing or muffled sounds, Irritability or trouble sleeping, especially in children and Loss of balance or dizziness (especially in inner ear infections).

If you or a loved one is experiencing any of these symptoms, it might be time to seek urgent care for ear infection treatment.

Can urgent care treat ear infections

While most ear infections will heal on their own with rest and home remedies, others will need to be seen by a doctor right away. Urgent care centers are a great option when you need prompt care, especially if:

  • Severe pain is present and over the counter medications aren't working.
  • There is drainage from the ear, especially if it's bloody or has a foul odor.
  • Symptoms don't get better in a few days or worsen.
  • In case of fever accompanied by ear pain.
  • Ear infection leads to balance problem or dizziness.
  • The person infected is an infant or child, as ear infections may be more dangerous in young people.

How is an Ear Infection Treated at Urgent Care?

When you go to urgent care for an ear infection, the provider usually takes the following steps:

  1. Physical Examination: A health care provider will look in your ear with an otoscope to look for signs of infection, fluid buildup, or damage to the eardrum.
  2. Treatment Plan: Depending on the causative agent of the infection being either bacterial or viral, the treatment will include either antibiotics or antiviral medications. Sometimes, the use of pain relievers may also be suggested to help alleviate discomfort.
  3. Care after the procedure: This is the third stage and involves follow-up care when symptoms persist or worsen, especially with complications such as hearing loss or chronic infections.

Some Common Queries Related to Ear Infections:

Can ear infection cause pain in the jaw?

Yes, an ear infection can cause jaw pain. This is because the ear and jaw share similar nerve pathways, especially the trigeminal nerve. The inflammation of the ear due to infection can cause pain to radiate to other areas around it, including the jaw. This referred pain may sometimes makes you to feel as if the jaw itself is where the pain is coming from, but in fact, it is the ear infection causing the pain to radiate. If you have jaw pain combined with ear pain, then it would be a good idea to consult a healthcare provider to properly diagnose the issue.

Ear infection and neck stiffness:

Ear infections cause soreness in the neck mostly if the infection has aggravated or spread to adjacent tissue. The lymph nodes around the neck may become swollen as they work to fight the infection, leading to discomfort or stiffness. The swelling on either sides of the neck, back and  front, caused from inflammed tissues and muscles also, create stiffness or restricted movements at a particular area. If you also experience neck stiffness with the ear pain or other symptoms of an ear infection, be sure to see a physician so that the infection can be treated and prevented from spreading or becoming more complicated.

What is a double ear infection?

A double ear infection is one in which an individual experiences infections in both ears simultaneously. This condition tends to cause much more severe symptoms compared to infection in one ear, such as high pain levels, loss of hearing, fever, irritation, and fluid drainage from the ears. Double ear infections affect children very frequently, but can affect adults as well. The infection can be bacterial, viral, or some other source, like an allergy or a sinus infection. Urgent medical attention and timely treatment with antibiotics is essential to prevent complications

Can an ear infection cause migraines?

Yes, an ear infection can cause migraines or severe headaches. The inflammation and pressure caused by the infection in the ear can affect the surrounding areas, including the nerves that are involved in headaches. Additionally, the discomfort from the ear infection, particularly if it is severe or long-lasting, can trigger or worsen migraines in some individuals. If you experience migraines along with ear pain or other symptoms of an ear infection, it’s important to seek medical attention to properly diagnose the issue and get appropriate treatment.

Can an ear infection cause TMJ?

While an ear infection doesn’t directly cause TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder, the symptoms of an ear infection can sometimes mimic TMJ issues. Both conditions can cause pain near the jaw, difficulty opening the mouth, and discomfort while chewing. The pain from an ear infection can radiate to the jaw area due to shared nerve pathways, leading to confusion between the two conditions. If you are experiencing jaw pain along with ear pain, it’s best to consult a healthcare provider to accurately diagnose the issue and receive appropriate treatment.

Can ear infection cause teeth to hurt?

Yes, an ear infection can hurt the teeth. This happens because the ear and teeth share similar nerve pathways, especially in the upper jaw. When an ear infection causes inflammation or pressure in the ear, it may result in referred pain, which could be felt as tooth pain. The pain usually affects the same side of the teeth where the ear is infected. If you have tooth sensitivity or discomfort along with your ear pain, you need to see a healthcare professional to find out the origin and get proper treatment.

Can wisdom teeth cause an ear infection?

Wisdom teeth do not cause ear infections themselves, but problems with your wisdom teeth can sometimes mimic symptoms of an ear infection. For instance, your impacted or infected wisdom teeth will often cause jaw pain which might radiate to your ear because of the shared nerve pathways. In addition, if an infection in the wisdom teeth spreads, it can cause swelling or pain near the ear, which may be felt as an ear infection.

Preventing Ear Infections

While it's not always possible to prevent ear infections altogether, there are measures one can take to minimize the chances:

  • Avoid Upper Respiratory Infections: Wash your hands frequently and avoid close contact with people who have colds or the flu.
  • Keep Ears Dry: If you are prone to outer ear infections, keep ears dry and clean, especially after swimming.
  • Allergies: All allergies tend to cause ear infections as well. Thus, in cases of allergies, allergy medicines can help prevent repeat issues.
  • Quit Smoking: Smoking increases the risk of ear infections, so quitting can help reduce the chance of developing one.


Ear infections can cause almost everything from jaw pain to migraines, so symptoms vary and will hinder your daily activities. Urgent care Frisco tx offers fast relief from the discomfort of these infections, as well as prevention of complications. Whether it’s a double ear infection or unusual symptoms like stiff neck or teeth sensitivity, visiting urgent care ensures you get the help you need.